Saturday, January 31, 2009

January 2009 Newsletter

The January 2009 Newsletter has been published. for those of you who don't normally get sent a copy you can view it on the website by clicking here. Plenty of good stuff including details of our spectacular Spring club function.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Instructors Meeting and Function

We had one of our regular 6 monthly Instructor and DM meetings last night. We decided to run it in the same way as last time, by holding the meeting at the Noble House restaurant and then having a slap up meal. 20 of our regular instructors and DMs turned up for what was a very successful evening. For those who couldn't make it minutes of the meeting will be sent out to all instructors and DMs, so you will still find out what went on.

Friday, January 09, 2009

First Club Night of 2009

Last night saw around 60 members and guests turn up for the first club night of 2009 for what was a fun social event. As in the past, the main theme for the evening was the raffle of unwanted Christmas presents. The rules were:
  • You must wrap the present

  • You cannot pick your own (that would just be stupid)

  • Once you touch a present its yours (no checking to see if bottles are full or boxes of chocolates are half empty)

  • You must take your present away with you - or convince someone else to.

Everyone took to the event with enthusiasm and we were inundated with unwanted presents so the chances were, unless clearly you were called Neal or Helen, that you would win something. There were some cracking gifts; anger management blow up boxing gloves, chinese restaurant calenders - in Spanish (Sue was particularly fond of hers), Rude Origami and willy shaped bath salts - tasteful! The raffle raised £119 which was brilliant and all the money will be given to Water Aid, which as you know is my flavour of the moment when it comes to charities.

To everyone who brought pressies and to everyone who bought tickets - a huge thank you for making it such a fun night and helping raise the money. It was good to see you all and to get the club's year of to such a flying start. Many more club nights to come, and to remind you, the next one is going to be Thursday 5 February. Please let us know if you are coming if you can.

PS - DJ, I promise to put you in the Newsletter ok!