Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Club Newsletter for July

I have published the latest club newsletter onto the website for your delectation. Click here to go to the site.

A Busy Weekend and Plenty to Cheer About

It was one of our busiest weekends of the year over 28/29 July. With Advanced Courses, EFR and 2 Open Water courses all finishing at the same time (20 students in total) it had the potential to be slightly chaotic. However, with 5 instructors and a plethora of excellent DMs and Trainee DMs helping out, everything went smoothly. Well done to all the students who completed their training - we hope to see you all again soon.

Advanced Course Success

Many congratulations to our advanced course students who completed their course on 22 July. Advanced courses seem to be on the increase with 3 planned in the space of a month. If you are interested in increasing your skills and becoming an advanced diver, give us a call at the dive centre.

Monday, July 16, 2007

SMB Workshop

The weekend saw 7 club members participate in the latest SMB workshop at Horsea. The workshops are a great way to practice skills under the guidance of an instructor without forking out a fortune for a course. As always we will be running more workshops over the next few months.

Hair Colouration - it must be the weather

As I get slightly longer in the teeth the thought of the odd bit of hair dye has crossed my mind on more than one occasion I have to be honest. I am happy to admit that advancing years brings out the grey (distinguished) flashes to the side burns. However, recently we found out that the sun can turn your hair ..... ginger! So the enterprising young big girly DM from Chichester who made this claim (he of the arse baring episode in Dartmouth) decided to dye his before this could happen. The end result - yellow and ginger hair. The top shot of the head proves it! Excellent!

Open Water Course Success

What with the Summer Ball, it was a busy weekend at the dive centre. However, training still goes on and another 6 students passed their Open Water course. Many congratulations to all of you. We look forward to seeing you soon at a club meeting or another training programme.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Summer Ball

Another successful ball over and hangovers all round. Last night was pretty much what you'd expect from a club ball, lots of laughter, a few too many drinks and loads of dancing...... looks like maybe we should start a line dancing club too. All the evidence is now in the gallery. We were also visited once more by the mystery woman ......but this time she wasnt alone...... is this the beginning of an invasion?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Checking out the BBC Cameras for Bahamas

When the vehicle arrived with 5 containers we all naturally assumed they were checking out all of the cameras we would be taking to the Bahamas! Actually we were wrong - this was the storage for one of the latest HD units. It took about 45 minutes to put the whole thing together and then we had to create a vacuum in the housing which showed whether it was watertight by using an altimetre of all things. Well, with a value of just shy of £100K it would not be good to get a leak! Even in the "cloudy" water of Eastney it achieved some amazing results. Next stop Nassau .....
(Picture shows the producer Neil with "the Mother of all cameras"

June Newsletter

The club Newsletter for June has been posted onto the website. Click here for a link. Sorry it was a bit late being published .... too much going on.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Weekend Dive!

Sunday RIB Dive!

The O2 is available on Sunday 15th if anyone fancies getting thier feet wet!

Dive and time to be confirmed once we know numbers. (Looking at an 11am ish start)

If you fancy it give the shop a call.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Weekend Update

Congratulations to the students who passed their Rescue Course this weekend. Those of you booked on the Belize trip should recieve your itineraries through the post soon AND the beginnings of the Dartmouth photos are now online. I say beginnings, because as those of you who were on the trip know, there are many embarrassing videos too which we are yet to publish!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Offensive Wellies - Be Warned

A word of warning to the wise - the dive boat in Dartmouth last weekend was infiltrated by an offensive pair of blue neoprene wellies. The owner was heard to say "yes they may look a bit bad but they are dry and warm". Nooooooo, that is not the point. Be on the look out - they could turn up on any dive boat. You have been warned.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Wind, Rain, Fun and Course Success

It might have been the start of July, but it was hardly summer was it? Still, no matter. We still managed to have some fun with a great club trip to Dartmouth and a full Open Water Course finishing at Horsea. Dartmouth brought about some good diving, interesting sea states, nudity, spicey food .... and the occasional bucket of vomit! (So much more to tell you on that one!!!!!!!) Horsea brought about smiles and champagne. Many congratulations to our newly qualified divers - we hope to see you again soon either at the club, on a dive trip, or on another training programme.