Monday, October 30, 2006

Halloween Party Photos in the Gallery

It was another epic party with some great costumes, excellent food, atrocious dance moves (except from Kevan of course!) and sore heads the following morning! Photos from the night have been published in the gallery.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Well Done to All the Runners ...

Well done to all the dive club members who ran the Great South Run this morning. 2 members had to drop out at late notice but it was a still a good showing. Conditions for the race were pretty appalling with strong Southerly winds and lashing rain - the last mile was a real treat! So if you have sponsored myself, Catriona, Kim, Chris, Andrea or Wyndham now is the time to get in touch and let them have your pledges so that we can get all the money to the Lifeboats. We will let you know how much we raised in due course. Thanks as well to all those club members who stood in the rain to cheer the runners on - it was much appreciated.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

New First Aid Instructors

Many congratulations to Tina, Jenny, Alex, Ian, and Paul, who passed their EFR Instructors course on 18 October.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Gozo refreshes parts other holidays cannot reach

Touch me ..... I' is chilled right down to the core. And Gozo is just the place to do it. Hard working Neal relaxed so much that his hair saw some remarkable growth in just a short period of 7 days. We even have the photographic evidence to prove it as you can see in the before and after shots above. Whilst Neal is quite proud of his new flowing locks he intends to have a cut straight away as the dog didn't recognize him when he got home!

Gozo Report Published

I have published a eport from the Gozo trip onto the website (click here for link) for all of those who want to know what they missed. Photos just being resized for the Gallery.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The BIG October Sale - 14/15 October

Once again we are having a big sale during dive show weekend on 14/15 October. So why bother spending time and money going to Birmingham, paying £6 to park, paying to get in, paying a fortune for a coffee and a sandwich and then realizing that the deal was not such a good one in the first place. Instead, just pop along to the Dive Centre on either day and pick up a bargain. At least 20% discount across the board and over 50% on some items. The sale only lasts over the weekend so make sure you get in early. As usual they are a bit of a a social event and food and drink will inevitably be available. We look forward to seeing you.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

......and they're off

......on the right day this time

18 club members left for Gozo this morning. All a bit deja vu for Ben and Emma. Internet cafe willing, we'll post some details of what we're getting up to from Gozo.